Determination Gave Success

Sanichari Bai is Mitanin of Oram hamlet of Garh Umaria panchayat of Pusor block. People from the hamlet were suffering from the problem of drinking water during summers. She got determined to avail them of drinking water in hamlet.

She took first step and approached the Sarpanch along with the women of her hamlet. The sarpanch assured her to make them available a hand pump. As it was only assurance, nothing happened. With her women group Sanichari Bai contacted the local MLA and with whose suggestion they submitted a memorandum at PHED. It also went in vain. She organised a meeting with the community people and discussed their past experience and the response of the government officials. All of them decided to go to the collector of the area and to submit a memorandum. Nearly 60 people met the collector in his office, shared their problems and submitted the memorandum. Their efforts became successful and a new hand pump was installed in the locality.

An example of great success was set by Sanichari Bai before other Mitanins who are also finding out the alternatives for drinking water in their hamlets.