A Step Forward by Panchayat

Gram Panchayat Tadola in Pusor block is 15 km away from district headquarter Raigarh. It has a total population of 1,560, which includes 293 families above poverty line and 34 families below poverty line. Total sanitation campaign with intervention of Mitanin is continuing in the panchayat.

When LSS started the programme, neither the people were interested for household latrines nor was the panchayat making any effort towards this. After starting of the project, LSS staff and Mitanin started awareness building programmes in village and Mitanin started to emphasise the problem in gram sabhas. As a result the people from the community and all panchayat members took the decision in the gram sabha that a committee will be formed for the implementation of household toilets from total sanitation campaign fund. They formed a committee and made the resolution. With the intervention of the committee household latrines were built and people started utilising it. Till date 27 household toilets are build and being utilised.

This shows that with awareness building opinion of the community can be changed and the community starts thinking of its betterment.