Natural Resource Management

Agriculture is the main source of livelihood in the area which is marked by unequal distribution of resources. Land is adequately available but irrigation facilities are not.

LSS is working to make available irrigation facilities through watershed approach in 35,000 hectare of land. A total of 581 tanks and ponds have been dug and 62 canals renovated through canal bunding. For soil conservation in the area, bolder checks have been done in 39,500 running metre and soil check has been done in 1,500 running metre.

Nearly 9,800 families have got irrigation facilities and 9,000 hectare land saved for season’s farming. Plantation was done in 125 hectares of land and irrigation facilities provided through canals in 6,000 running metres.

The operational area and the surroundings are rich in minerals; its continuous extraction and apathy of the industries towards their social responsibilities leads to industrial pollution. The heavy industries are affecting primary nature of the area and also people’s lives. The organisation is generating awareness on environmental issues, imbalance in the use of underground water, ill-effects of pollution on the health of common man and farmers as well as on agricultural production.

LSS is not against industrialisation but it advocates that industrial development should not happen at the cost of human values.